empowering you to experience the miracle of living your dreams
with ThetaHealing® Practitioner certification seminars

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Dig Deeper:
July 29-31, 2024, 2-6pm EST/New York time

(2 Days) If you haven't found the class you want to take at a convenient time, please contact me to request other dates.

Now that you're certified in Basic and Advanced DNA, and understand the important basics of how ThetaHealing works, you're ready for an intensive two full days (or shorter blocks of time over additional days) of learning digging and practicing it. I see the digging process as kind of like taking apart a puzzle, then rearranging the pieces so everything works better. That is what digging does with our subconscious mind, which then helps us create our reality in a better way.

Digging is what makes the ThetaHealing technique so powerful in getting to the root of any issue quickly. It is so necessary to practice digging to become the best practitioner or instructor that you can be. I love this class, the digging process, and getting to teach it!

With the intensive practice and review of the different types of "digging" to find the root of any issue, you will be well prepared to get the most out of your sessions with clients, all your future ThetaHealing classes and of course working on yourself.

From Vianna's website:
The ThetaHealing Technique is fabulous for getting to the origin of our issues because Practitioners are taught an incredible technique called “digging”. This narrative style approach allows us to comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block us. The ThetaHealing technique then uses unconditional love, Belief and Feeling work to clear these.

This seminar is designed to get all ThetaHealers well trained at this essential technique, to give you the solid grounding, and tips you need so you are confident at digging to find your clients key core beliefs. Unless we can successfully identify the true heart and origin of the problem you won’t know what beliefs to change. It can also mean that the changes you make may only be temporary, and un-cleared negative beliefs can be barriers to true healing.

This seminar will empower you to help your clients understand their own behaviours and lives, then through helping them make healing changes you’ll be able to emerge balanced and clear at the completion of their sessions.

With the completion of the Dig Deeper Seminar, you will have proficient knowledge and experience to keep doing belief work on yourself and others. You will be able to know all the techniques to release and uncover the hidden beliefs that we are operating from. Under the guidance of your instructor, you will have ample practice time for this class.

All LiveYourMiracles.com seminar packages include Earlybird reduced registration fees for all future classes with me, and ThetaHealing Student rate sessions, 60 min sessions at the 30 min session price.
Seminar Includes: in Person- ThetaHealing printed Dig Deeper Practitioners Manual and the new paperback Dig Deeper book. For the Online seminar you will receive digital copies of the Dig Deeper book and class manual by email. Please also be familiar with Zoom and able to use the audio and video at home. To receive online practitioner certification your video camera must remain on for the entire duration of the class.
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA
Tuition: $444 Earlybird Registration 30 days or more before class For USA classes
$494 Regular Registration 30 days or less until class.
Only select the "Recertification" option if you have already attended this seminar.

By purchasing a product or service on this website you agree to these terms and conditions of service.

Dig Deeper Practitioner Certification

Dear Naomi, Thank you for your love, wisdom and support during the Rhythm Class. It was amazing! I felt so safe and guided the entire time and was able to release deep subconscious beliefs, with ease and grace that were really important for me to work on. With a laugh and a tear and so much relief, understanding, gratitude and kindness towards my physical body. I highly recommend you as a Thetahealing Practioner and Teacher. Thank you again so much!
M. M., Netherlands

I have had several classes with Naomi and she is a wonderful and inspiring teacher. I took the Intuitive anatomy class just recently and it was wonderful. There was so much about the human body that I did not know besides all the healing. The course content was fantastic and I cleared so much during the 15 days of class it felt like I lost 15 pounds, I felt so light when I got home. The pace of the learning and days off were perfect to have time to process too. I love her teaching style, and her support during and after class are fantastic. I would highly recommend and have recommended her to my friends for these Classes and healings sessions too.
R.M., South Carolina

After taking the Basic DNA course I went home to spend a few days with my parents. Normally when I'm home I get defensive, feel that I have to be on guard, and I can't really be myself. This time I was so present. I enjoyed my parents' company, and it was, by far, the best and least-draining trip home I've ever had. Everyone just seemed to be relaxed. What a beautiful thing! I credit this successful trip to the work I had just done with ThetaHealing.
M. J. W., North Carolina

Hi Naomi, first I want to say thank you for the amazing 4 days of theta healing seminars that I feel transformed me personally and also transformed my private practice.... I feel like a completely different person! I just feel happier and freer and lighter and more joyful! And I have such a different perspective with my clients now! So thank you for your professional and generous work you did!!
S. M., Connecticut

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