Empowering you to experience the miracle of living your dreams
with ThetaHealing® Practitioner certification seminars

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Growing Your Relationships 4- You and The Earth: In Person only, September 28-29, 2024 in Greensboro, NC, 10am - 4pm
For this and other in person classes, you can contact me to schedule a class near you with at least 3 people committed to the class.

For the time being, this class is still only offered in person, thought it was announced that it is intended to also be online at some point.

(2 Days)
So many healers have issues with having to be here on Earth. This seminar will help to resolve those issues, helping you to feel appreciation and feel at home here. Learn new ways of working with water and healing with and from the Earth. We will cover ways of making a difference in helping the Earth to heal that you may not have considered or even imagined and also learn how much of a difference we really can make. There is a strong message of hopefulness with this seminar for the healing of the Earth despite the serious concerns the planet faces.
From Vianna's website:
Earth is always trying to communicate with us. But are we really listening?
This seminar will allow you to bring more positive changes in to your life by learning how to work with the Earth. How to get to know the Earth better and learn to communicate with it and understand how it communicates with you as well.
This seminar will also bring you to the realization that there is an energy that is moving back and forth between us. It helps you to work with the Earth to bring the changes that actually need to be changed now.

All of the Growing Your Relationship seminars, You and Your Significant Other, You and The Creator, You and Your Inner Circle, and You and the Earth, and their instructor courses, are prerequisites for Planes 2 and DNA 4.

All LiveYourMiracles.com seminar packages include Earlybird reduced registration fees for all future classes, plus ThetaHealing session Student rates, 60 min sessions at the 30 min session price.
Seminar Includes: ThetaHealing® Practitioner Manual
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Tuition: $515 Earlybird reduced registration fees with Deposit or Seminar Paid in Full with 30 or more days before class, $588 Regular registration with less than 30 days before class.

Reserve your space for the seminar with the deposit or paid in full options. If deposit is selected, the remainder is due before start of the seminar.
Please register here on the ThetaHealing.com website.

By purchasing a product or service on this website you agree to these terms and conditions of service.

You and The Earth Practitioner Certification (choose You and Earth option or Planes + You and Earth from drop down menu)

Thank you for the wonderful course, [World Relations] It helped me to clear a lot ... Hope to see you again soon,
L., Israel

Dear Naomi, Thank you for your love, wisdom and support during the Rhythm Class. It was amazing! I felt so safe and guided the entire time and was able to release deep subconscious beliefs, with ease and grace that were really important for me to work on. With a laugh and a tear and so much relief, understanding, gratitude and kindness towards my physical body. I highly recommend you as a Thetahealing Practioner and Teacher. Thank you again so much!
M. M., Netherlands

I have had several classes with Naomi and she is a wonderful and inspiring teacher. I took the Intuitive anatomy class just recently and it was wonderful. There was so much about the human body that I did not know besides all the healing. The course content was fantastic and I cleared so much during the 15 days of class it felt like I lost 15 pounds, I felt so light when I got home. The pace of the learning and days off were perfect to have time to process too. I love her teaching style, and her support during and after class are fantastic. I would highly recommend and have recommended her to my friends for these Classes and healings sessions too.
R.M., South Carolina

After taking the Basic DNA course I went home to spend a few days with my parents. Normally when I'm home I get defensive, feel that I have to be on guard, and I can't really be myself. This time I was so present. I enjoyed my parents' company, and it was, by far, the best and least-draining trip home I've ever had. Everyone just seemed to be relaxed. What a beautiful thing! I credit this successful trip to the work I had just done with ThetaHealing.
M. J. W., North Carolina

Hi Naomi, first I want to say thank you for the amazing 4 days of theta healing seminars that I feel transformed me personally and also transformed my private practice.... I feel like a completely different person! I just feel happier and freer and lighter and more joyful! And I have such a different perspective with my clients now! So thank you for your professional and generous work you did!!
S. M., Connecticut

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